disclosing truth..
or..."..the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully related to truth as a value. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire - as well as speaking." [as quoted from Wikipedia (=P)]..
all imply the same thing..the value of "saying the truth"..its a simple, small, n sometimes a minute aspect in our lives which we sometimes forget to apply..but the consequences are/is (most of the time, if not all the time) very big..(need i give any examples?..hrmm..i think u all would know better, right?..)
so, what are we all waiting for (we means it also includes me?..
how about, starting from now, (from this very second), we try to always speak the truth, no matter what...
hows about it?..~
[p/s: this especially applies for us muslims...we say that our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w is our most ideal role model right?..and he was called 'al-Amin' (trustworthy) right?...so why are we (some of us) not following him?.....hrmm...this is something to ponder on....]
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